Wednesday, September 4, 2013

12 Weeks

First trimester? Check! I can't believe 12 weeks have gone by already! I'm hoping all of these good things I'm hearing about the second trimester start coming true soon! :)

How Far Along: 12 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of a plum and is about 2.1 inches long.

Total Weight Gain: 4 pounds so far

Gender: We scheduled our ultrasound yesterday! We'll find out on October 17th! :)

Maternity Clothes: I have a few things, but I've been wearing most of my regular clothes with the belly band as long as I can! I'll wear maternity clothes on days when I know I want to be super comfortable, like when we went to the Alabama game.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet

Sleep: Pretty good! I've been going to bed around 9:30 every night, but I wake up a couple of times throughout the night.

Cravings/Aversions: I haven't really been craving anything specific this week, but there are a lot of foods that just don't sound good. I also have cooked dinner twice this week and then haven't wanted to eat it. Cottage cheese and Starburst always sound good, though! {Not together, of course!}

Mood: Last week was an emotional roller coaster with getting back into the school routine. I think I cried every day! This week has been better so far. I think the long weekend helped!

What I Miss: Energy! I also miss food tasting good. Even things that sound good to me still don't taste as good as they used to.

Looking Forward To: Seeing the baby on our next ultrasound and finding out what it is! :)

Best Moment This Week: Hearing our baby's heartbeat at our 12 week appointment yesterday. It was 161 bpm!

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  1. 161 bpm...GIRL!!! lol! I guess we'll find out soon enough though. I love how you have all the details documented. It will make 'remembering' so much easier. And I can't stand the whole, something sounds good, then doesn't taste good thing either :( Can't wait to read your next update :)

  2. That's what several people have told me! Daniel thinks it's a girl, too! I don't really have a hunch yet. And yes, I'm definitely hoping this food not tasting good stage passes quickly!

  3. Oh I'm such a bad friend- I thought your appointment was this coming Friday the 6th!! Darn! I was going to text you and ask you how it went! Now you need to buy your own Doppler! Isn't the heartbeat the most wonderful sound?! I'm going to go ahead and predict girl, but I might change my mind before your big u/s! ;) So happy to hear that sweet baby Richardson is growing healthy!

