Friday, September 8, 2017

Teacher Questionnaire {Free Printable!}

Emery just started preschool this week! Having her in school has me thinking back to my years as a teacher and I'm so excited to be on this side now! Parents can make or break a school year and I always said I would be a great parent to teachers once I had a child in school! 😂

One of the things the PTO always did at the school I taught at was have all the teachers fill out a questionnaire with our favorite things. They would send it home with all the parents of students in our class and the parents could use it as a guide when they wanted to send us something.

I loved this idea and knew that I would do something like it once Emery started school. I'm going to send this to her teachers so I know all their favorites when I'm buying gifts for them. It will also be nice to know their favorite candy or Starbucks drink when I want to just brighten a random morning! 😊

Click on the picture to view a larger version, then right click to download and save!

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