Wednesday, November 27, 2013

24 Weeks

This chalkboard quote brought to you by Daniel.
Butterball? Turkey? Thanksgiving? Get it? :)

Click here to see my other weekly pregnancy update posts.
Click here to see my step-by-step chalk art tutorial.

How Far Along: 24 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of a cantaloupe and is almost a whole foot long!

Total Weight Gain: +18 pounds, I gained 2 pounds this week. I think this may be the last time I weigh myself until after the holidays. Now that I think about it, maybe I won't weigh myself until after the baby is born. Maybe not even then. :-\

Gender: It's a girl!!

Maternity Clothes: Same as last week...almost everything is maternity, except for a few things I can wear with the belly band. Some of my maternity shirts are getting too short! I really didn't think it would be that hard to find maternity clothes that I liked and that would last the whole pregnancy, but it's been very challenging. Part of my problem could be that I'm just not okay with paying an arm and a leg for clothes I'm going to wear for just a few months!

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet. I'm still using cocoa butter lotion almost every day.

Sleep: Still sleeping great! :)

Cravings/Aversions: Anything and everything that's sweet. I ate so much pineapple last night that my mouth hurt and then saw a picture of Taco Bell tacos on Facebook and decided I had to have them right 11:00 p.m. I haven't had Taco Bell in years!

Symptoms: The contractions have slowed down, but I'm still getting the sharp ligament pains when I'm walking around at school or when I get up too quickly. No big deal, though. I'm noticing that my legs are achy at the end of the day when I've been on my feet a lot at school that day. I'm thinking my rolling chair is going to become my best friend in the next few months. Oh, and my gigantic appetite. I'm *always* hungry lately.

Movement: She's moving every day, just not as much. It's just so random and I haven't been able to nail down a pattern yet. She does seem to move a lot shortly after I eat, but it's still not very consistent.

Mood: Happy!!!

What I Miss: Caffeine!! I'm getting tired of water and Sprite!

Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving dinner and maternity jeans. It's going to be awesome. :)

Best Moment This Week: Spending time with Vanna this weekend. She is so excited about the baby and we can't wait to see her be a sweet big cousin!! :)

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Rewind {November 25, 2013}

Happy Monday/Thursday! It was so nice at work today because it felt like Thursday all day. I hope y'all had a happy weekend before Thanksgiving. This will probably be the last somewhat laid-back weekend until January!

We had a great weekend here, one that I know I'll want to remember. :) Daniel and I rented a movie from Redbox and stayed home on Friday night. There's just something I love so much about watching a movie next to the Christmas tree. We also broke out our Whirley Pop and made some homemade popcorn. I was feeling sweets {as usual}, so I added some M&Ms to mine. Is there a way to keep those darn things from sinking to the bottom?! Seriously. It's a problem.

Saturday morning, we made our weekly grocery trip and went out for donuts. Let's keep those sweets means I'll have a super sweet baby, right?! That afternoon, my sister and brother-in-law brought Vanna over for a sleepover! We ended up taking her to Chuck E. Cheese's. Last time we went, the place was almost empty. This time, oh my goodness, it was so packed that we hardly got any pictures at all.

Ticket muncher!
She picked out a sparkly purple wand, Chuck E. Cheese tattoos, and a blinged out dollar sign ring. We all got a laugh from that one!

Picking out prizes!
After dinner at Superior Grill, we headed home to make pumpkin bread and Oreo turkeys!

Vanna is such a good helper in the kitchen!!

She even cracked the eggs!

When the pumpkin bread was in the oven, we started on our Oreo turkeys!

If you know me at all, you know I can't resist Oreos...especially Double Stuf. Oh, and Oreo people, why spell "stuff" with only one "f"? Just why?

Then it was time for Vanna to teach Uncle D how to make the Oreo turkeys. He's such a sweet uncle. I can't wait to see him be a daddy. Love.

Once the turkeys were all assembled, Vanna decided that the candy corn feathers needed a little embellishment. She added a dot of orange frosting to the tip of each feather and made us both die laughing when she said that the turkeys were going to the "feather salon".

Our little turkey family!

We spent the rest of the night playing letter sounds bingo {the teacher in me was super impressed with her skills! :)} and Sofia's Magical Tea Time game.

Sunday morning we went out for donuts! Umm, yes, that did make two days in a row for Daniel and me, thankyouverymuch.

We definitely congratulated ourselves for making it to church on time with a child. We can do this! :) Vanna did make it pretty easy on us, though.

After church, I did what will most likely be the extent of my Black Friday shopping. We went to CVS and got a few totally random things. You can check out the CVS Black Friday ad on Southern Savers here. It only took me a few minutes to get ready for the trip. If you don't shop at CVS, you're missing out. It seriously is a thrill every time I shop there! I paid $2.84 {that includes tax} for all of this stuff and left with $14.97 to spend next time!!

After a quick Sunday afternoon nap, we headed back to church to serve at the Thanksgiving dinner. I ended up assigning myself to the least popular item on the menu...cranberry sauce. I can't blame anyone, though. I don't like it, either! :)

I'm so thankful that I got to spend another weekend with the people I love the most.

Happy Thanksgiving week!

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
I Thessalonians 5:18

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Five on Friday {November 22, 2013}

It's the Friday before Thanksgiving!! How can this be?? November 2013 will be over before we know it! This is my favorite time of year, though, and I'm determined to not let it fly by without enjoying every bit of it! I'm planning to start working on a Christmas tradition to do list this weekend. Makes me giddy just thinking about it! :) Whatever you end up doing this weekend, I hope it's wonderful! Happy Friday!! :)


After today, only *two* more school days until Thanksgiving break! I am so, so ready! I actually look forward to going to work on days right before holidays because we get to do so much more fun stuff!! I'm going to make these Oreo turkeys with my class on Tuesday. I know they'll probably be wild, but they'll love it!! {I don't know where the idea came from. A teacher friend shared it with me.}

I can't believe it, but it's time to pick out Christmas cards! I *love* Christmas cards, but honestly, I get so overwhelmed when I look at the pages and pages of choices on Shutterfly! Having that many choices is a problem for indecisive people like me. There are a ton of Christmas card deals out right now, too. My favorite savings website, Southern Savers, recently did a post with a list of coupon codes for different websites where you can get free or almost free Christmas cards. You can check out the post here. I noticed I was drawn to the ones that say "Joy" because that's how I feel this year! Of course, I feel joy every Christmas, but even more this year! :) I am just so excited and happy about all the fun things to come in the next few months! Picking out a Christmas card next year will be *so* much fun. We'll have pictures of our sweet baby girl to share!! :) Here are some of my favorites on Shutterfly.

Joy Stripes

Scribbly Greetings

Humble Birth

Peace Cut Out

Snowy Window

I made these Italian beef sandwiches for dinner a couple of weeks ago and they were so, so good. I sometimes shy away from slow cooker meals because I feel like it sometimes makes things mushy, but it was perfect for this meal. This recipe could not be any easier, either. Just a few ingredients {I skipped the Giardiniera}, shred the meat, and you're good to go. I thought about doing a blog post just for the recipe, but there's no way I could even come close to taking a picture as good as Kristen's. This is a must try, for sure!

{Photo via Iowa Girl Eats}

One of my favorite {commercial} things about Christmas is ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas. The countdown has already started! I just love snuggling up on the couch by the Christmas tree with Christmas candles burning, and watching a Christmas movie while drinking hot chocolate and eating Christmas treats. You can't get much cozier than that! My favorite one on the list? Without a doubt, Christmas Vacation. I guess we'll have to catch another favorite, Elf, on a different channel. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

So...Black Friday shopping. I'm just not sure I can get into it. It's just so confusing this year! All the stores are opening earlier and earlier, and some are doing pre-Black Friday sales before actual Black Friday, which pretty much starts on Thanksgiving Day this year, if not earlier! Maybe I'll get some energy this weekend and check out all the ads. I do love the excitement of it all and it definitely puts me in the Christmas shopping spirit! I'm dying to get some presents under our Christmas tree!!

Oh, and one more thing...I *can't wait* for Thanksgiving dinner! That is all.

Happy weekend, everyone!! :)

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

23 Weeks

Click here to see my other weekly pregnancy update posts.
Click here to see my step-by-step chalk art tutorial.

I chalkboards have been boring this week and last week. I have been tired! I promise I'll be back with a cute chalkboard for next week, though!! :)

How Far Along: 23 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of a grapefruit, weighs a little over a pound, and is just over 11 inches long. I feel like she must be growing like crazy, because my belly looks *so* much bigger to me this week!!!

Total Weight Gain: +16 pounds, I gained 1.5 pounds this week.

Gender: It's a girl!!

Maternity Clothes: Same as last week...almost everything is maternity, except for a few things I can wear with the belly band.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet. I'm still using cocoa butter lotion almost every day.

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well this week!

Cravings/Aversions: Sugar, sweets, chocolate, you name it. I've especially enjoyed mint Oreos this week. I made baked zucchini fries one night for dinner {they turned out gross!!!} and thought they looked like rice krispy treats from a distance which prompted me to make a whole pan. I ate an embarrassing amount when they were warm and gooey. My mom gave me a bag of chocolate peanut butter popcorn last week, and it was gone in two days. It's bad, y'all. I've always loved sweets, but I was really hoping that not wanting them as much was going to continue. Doesn't look like that's going to happen. :-\

Symptoms: I've still been having Braxton Hicks contractions and sharp pains {I think this is ligament pain} several times a day on most days. I talked to my doctor about it and she said to call if they happen 6 times an hour or more. My skin is still dry, but not as bad as last week. I have Avon skin so soft lotion in my classroom that I won as a door prize for something at work, and one of my students told me when I was putting it on my hands that I smelled like her grandma! Ha!

Movement: She's moving more and more, especially right after I eat. I thought for sure that she was kicking hard enough for Daniel to feel her this weekend, but he still hasn't been able to feel it. I think it will be soon, though!

Mood: Happy!!!

What I Miss: Really nothing! I'm loving being pregnant right now, even with the minor symptoms!

Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving break!!!! I only have four more school days and then I'm free for a few days!!! So, so ready for this! I'm hoping to get some Christmas shopping done!

Best Moment This Week: Hearing that sweet heartbeat again at our doctor's appointment. It was 145 bpm this time which is super close to what it was last time, I think. We both just love hearing it every time!

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

22 Weeks

Click here to see my other weekly pregnancy update posts.
Click here to see my step-by-step chalk art tutorial.

How Far Along: 22 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of a papaya, weighs almost one whole pound, and is about 11 inches long.

Total Weight Gain: +14.5 pounds, I gained three pounds this week. Yikes!

Gender: It's a girl!!

Maternity Clothes: Same as last week...almost everything is maternity, except for a few things I can wear with the belly band.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet

Sleep: The crazy dreams have returned. They're so vivid that I almost feel like I'm awake for them which makes me feel like I didn't sleep that well. I wish I could remember more details! All I could remember from one this last week had something to do with a steakhouse and Morgan Freeman. So weird.

Cravings/Aversions: Remember the days when I was craving veggies? Those days are long gone {except for veggie subs!} and I have returned to my sugar loving self. I'm pretty sure my weight is reflecting that, too. :-/ I blame Halloween.

Symptoms: I've been feeling my abdomen get really tight occasionally and figured out after talking to a nurse that they're contractions! It doesn't happen that often and it doesn't hurt at all, but I had no idea that could happen so early! My skin is also getting really dry...especially on my hands. It hurts when I wash my hands with hot water and I've been putting lotion on like crazy. I've never really had dry skin and I'm not a fan.

Movement: I'm still feeling her move every day! It's very random. Some days she moves a ton, and then other days just a few times.

Mood: Happy!!!

What I Miss: I can't think of a single thing! :)

Looking Forward To: Our doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. I've never looked forward to doctor's appointments before, but I count the days for these visits!

Best Moment This Week: Putting up our Christmas tree over the three day weekend! I *cannot* wait for Christmas next year. It's going to be *so* different and so much fun!!! :)

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Rewind {November 11, 2013}

Three day weekends are the best. It just makes the whole weekend better because you know that you have an extra day! That carefree "I can stay up late" feeling on Sunday night is just *the best*.

We had a wonderful started with me telling Daniel that I wanted to put the Christmas tree up this weekend. Yes, really. I promise I don't ignore Thanksgiving...I'm just so ready to get started on all the Christmas cheer! :) At first he was totally against it...he's an after Thanksgiving kind of guy, but I convinced him to at least go and look at the Christmas stuff at Lowe's on Friday night.

While we were there, we look at paint swatches for the baby's room. We're I'm still torn between light pink, light aqua, and light gray. After looking at samples, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to find a light aqua that I like. Daniel is ready to paint the room gray today! I'm so glad that he cares and has an opinion on these things! I think it's so sweet! :)

It was a cold night so we went to Starbucks after Lowe's and got our first red cup of the season! There is just something about those red cups. {I was also hoping this would help in my Christmas tree plans!}

On Saturday morning, we went to Vanna's fifth birthday party. She had a princess tea party and all of the little girls dressed up in princess outfits. My sister did an amazing job with everything! All the little girls *loved* the tea party. And just look at this castle cake she and my mom made! Vanna loved it!

After the party, we went and did a little shopping at Hobby Lobby...both for the baby's room and for Christmas stuff. ;) Daniel found this adorable canvas that we ended up buying. It makes me lean more toward the pink and gray color scheme. The tree looks brown in the picture, but it's more gray in person.

I also did a little damage in the Christmas department. I absolutely love that Hobby Lobby pretty much always has their Christmas stuff 50% off!

After having my new favorite lunch, a veggie sub at Subway, and finishing up our shopping, we headed home and project Christmas tree began! Squeal!! :)

After finding out that only about 5 of the 1,000 lights already on the tree still worked, Daniel set to work removing all the old ones and putting new lights on the tree. Pre-lit trees are not worth it. Those lights were not easy to take off! This is about as far as we got on Saturday.

Sunday was another busy day with church in the morning, Christmas angel shopping in the afternoon, and finishing up the Christmas tree on Sunday night. This sight makes me a very happy girl. I absolutely love going through all of our ornaments every year when we put up the tree! So many memories...

We hung an extra special ornament this year with our sweet baby's ultrasound picture in it.

This is another one of my favorites that I made last year. I cut our wedding invitation into strips, curled them, and put them inside a clear ornament. I did one for our save the date card, too. Of course I found the idea on Pinterest! :)

Here's what we ended up with. It just needs the topper and some presents underneath which will come another weekend!! I'm just so glad we get to look at it for the next six weeks! It makes me so happy!! :)

Whatever you ended up doing this weekend, I hope it was a wonderful one!! Y'all have a great week!! :)

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