Thursday, December 28, 2017

Sadie {7 Months}

Here we are at 7 months already! Our smiley little Sadie is still pretty smiley, but I feel like she's going to be getting her first tooth any day because she's been showing her fussy side a little more often here lately.

27 Weeks
We didn't take pictures for 28 weeks...oops. :(

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

Clapping all the time!!

- We went to the doctor last week for Sadie's second dose of the flu shot, but they didn't weigh and measure her, so I'm not sure how much she's grown. I don't feel like she's grown a ton this last month. I always gauge it by her footie pajamas, and some 6 month ones are still fitting her. When I took her to get her shot, she didn't even cry! She just made a little noise and then put her paci in her mouth! She's an angel baby!

- She's wearing 6 month, 6-9 month, and some 6-12 month clothes. Some of her 6 month pajamas actually still fit, and she is wearing some of her 9 month ones. We did move her up to a size 3 diaper.

- She's eating 8 ounces every 4 hours. We took her off of her Zantac and she's been doing just fine without it!

- We took a little break from oatmeal and then tried her with avocado and sweet potato. She just didn't seem interested at all. She wouldn't open her mouth and any food we managed to get in her mouth would get pushed right back out. There was plenty of gagging, too. Her doctor said to wait until 7 months, so we took another couple of weeks off. A few days before she was 7 months old, I had a ripe banana, so we decided to give it to her. She opened her mouth for the first bite and ate it all! There's been no turning back now. She's liked everything else we've given her {butternut squash, pears, apples} and is the cutest little eater now! I guess she was just taking her time!

- Sadie's still sleeping pretty well most of the time. Her naps the last couple of weeks have not been great, but I'm wondering if it has to do with her teething? We can still usually count on at least one good nap every day. She has continued to sleep really well at night! Her schedule is pretty much exactly the same as last month.

- She did hit some big milestones this month. She can sit up all by herself {sometimes she still topples over after a little while}!

- She can scoot, roll, and army crawl wherever she wants to go! She even gets up on all fours and will move back and forth like she's trying to crawl. I don't think it will be too much longer before she's officially crawling! It won't really be too much of an adjustment because she's already all over the place! She'll just be a little faster!

- She also started clapping this month {on 12/13}! We hadn't really been practicing with her, but she started doing it one afternoon and she hasn't stopped. She claps all the time! When we go in her room to get her in the morning or after naps, she claps! She'll do it any time we ask her to or if she gets excited or happy about something. It's just so sweet and cute!

- She still isn't a big giggler, but she always laughs when we clean her hands and feet during her bath! She also loves it when we lift her in the air!

- Sadie is always looking around and wants to know what's going on, so things like changing her diaper and feeding her have started to get difficult. As soon as we put her on her changing table, she tries to roll over and grab anything she can reach. We've started to give her a diaper or tube of lotion to play with so she'll be still. She also has to hold her paci while she's taking her bottle or else she gets too wiggly. If anyone is talking or making noise, she tries to roll over and see what's going on. I remember Emery was exactly the same way!

- She loves my phone and the baby monitor! If the screens are on, she will do anything to get them!

- Sadie really likes to play with almost all of her toys. As long as she has some toys within reach, she's pretty happy. She loves to scoot her way over to a basket and pull it over so she can pull everything out. She also loves to get to Emery's things, especially Emery's build-a-bear named Sprinkles. Emery is usually pretty good about giving Sadie toys and sharing her things with her, but she doesn't love sharing Sprinkles. She will, but sometimes it takes a little convincing.

My sweet Christmas girls!

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