How Far Along: 14 weeks and 2 days
Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is about 3.4 inches long and weighs about 1.5 ounces.
Gender: It's a girl!! We even have a first name picked...Sadie! We put it on our Christmas card, so it's pretty official. :) We're still working on a middle name, though. It took us forever to pick Emery's middle name, too.
Maternity Clothes: Yep. I can get away with several of my pre-pregnancy shirts, but maternity jeans and leggings are a must.
Wedding Rings On/Off: On
Stretch Marks: None yet...I've got to start using the belly butter again!
Cravings/Aversions: Food is finally sounding good again! Yay!!! I haven't really had any super specific cravings or aversions lately. Lots of things are sounding good to me!
Symptoms: I'm honestly feeling pretty normal compared to the first 10 weeks. I was worried for a while because the first trimester was so hard. The only symptoms I'm really noticing right now is that I get short of breath very quickly and I get tired if I stand too long. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good!
Movement: I feel like I *might* have felt a little something about a week or so ago. It felt like a little worm wiggling around. I'm not sure if it was really her or not, but I think it was. I can't wait for those undeniable kicks and wiggles!
Mood: I'm feeling happy! And emotional...of course. We were watching the Iron Bowl over the weekend and they did a little tribute to one of the announcers who was retiring. I don't even like this announcer, and I found myself getting teary eyed!
What I Miss: I have had random thoughts that I'd like a steak, but I don't really like them well done, so I'll have to wait. But it's not like a crazy craving, so I can't say I'm really missing anything too much!
Looking Forward To: Feeling the first "official" kicks!