Thursday, February 4, 2016

Life Lately

Oh hey there February!

Where in the world did January go?

After a super busy December, we slowed it way down in January and it was so nice. We had lazy days at home, weekends with no plans...a nice little change of pace after all the holiday craziness.

So here's a little of what we were up to this past month. Nothing crazy or too exciting, just little sweet memories that I want to remember. 

Snuggling with my girl while she watches her favorite, Elmo. I love that she holds my hand. 

Emery's got major love for some stickers. I find them everywhere and I love it! Sometimes she puts them on my back without me noticing and Daniel will come home and tell me I have a bunch of stickers on my back! 

Something she doesn't have a lot of love for? The vacuum cleaner. If I have it out, she won't go near it and will keep saying "Uh-oh!" Normally, it's in the laundry room and when she sees it she gets this worried look on her face. I'll tell her it's sleeping and she'll say "night night!"

Emery *loves* sitting in her booster seat...sometimes with a friend. Whenever she plays with stickers, she always puts one on her nose, giggles, and squeals "nosey!!"

Pigtails, the rocket ship cart at Publix, a stuffed animal, and a cookie. Life is good for Emery.

She loves to sit in the laundry basket. I love that simple things make her happy!

Breakfast in bed in her favorite owl jammies.

I just love this picture so much! She scooted back to the couch so she could sit next to Elmo.

A plate of M&Ms {"emmys"} = a very happy girl.

Sometimes Elmo hangs out in the laundry basket with her. 

Just doing a little vacuuming while I cooked dinner.

Our little goofy girl!! Hanging out in a giant Panera bag with her kitty cat.

We did have a little sickness in January...thankfully it was only a fever that lasted about 24 hours. She loves playing with the thermometer.

Her paci and a whole bunch of stickers made her feel better!

It wasn't long and she was back to her goofy self!

Most of the time before we eat, Emery puts her hands together and says "Pray?" She sometimes does it random times during the day, too, so we'll stop and pray right then. It melts our hearts every single time.

We always miss Daddy like crazy when he's at work, but we miss him even more on Mondays. This Monday morning, Emery ran into the kitchen with Daniel's coat saying "Daddy's? Daddy's?" and then she laid down on the floor and snuggled with it. 

Things you get to do at Nana and Poppa's house:

Make a giant mess...

...and eat a big piece of chocolate cake!

My view while cooking dinner one night. It is definitely *not* always this peaceful, and when moments like this happen, it reminds me that she's growing up so fast. 

Reading her library books. It's usually the first thing we do together after she eats breakfast.

Having a snack in our bed after her nap. I love this precious little face so much.

We went to Kohl's one afternoon and when she saw herself in the mirror, she had to stop and giggle!

Watching her sweet cousin Vanna cheer at her basketball game on Saturday morning.

We had perfect spring weather this past weekend, so we went to the park on Saturday afternoon. Every other time we've gone to the park, Emery hasn't really liked the slide. I would hold onto her while she slid down and when I would ask if she wanted to do it again, she'd always say no. Well, not anymore. She couldn't get enough of the slides!!!

Something about the joy on her face in these pictures makes me smile and practically cry every single time!

Sunday was a beautiful day, too, so we spent our afternoon playing outside and swinging.

And that was our January! I'm so thankful for these precious moments with my little family!!

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