Saturday, May 31, 2014

#richlyblesseddaily2014 {Week 21}

Here is week 21 of #richlyblesseddaily2014! 

You can follow along every day on Instagram @richlyblessedblog. :)
Click here to see previous weeks.

 Day 144: I LOVE all her facial expressions...especially her smiles. #smilingsmyfavorite

 Day 145: Perfect Sunday. An adorable baby ready for church and then date night at Flip Burger celebrating Daniel's new job.

 Day 146: Perfect lazy day with our little love.

 Day 147: Hanging out with Mommy at work.

 Day 148: She gives me SO much joy. So, so much!

 Day 149: Absolutely soaking up these moments when she'll sleep in my arms. I know they're fleeting.

Day 150: My niece, Jayma, graduated today!! Emery was so excited! ;)

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Friday, May 30, 2014

Five on Friday {May 30, 2014}

Woohoo, it's Friday!!! It's been an exciting couple of weeks around here. Since I've kind of fallen off the blogging bandwagon here lately {there's a *great* reason for that ;)}, I thought I'd recap our last couple of weeks with a fun Five on Friday post.


I went back to work last Monday for the last week of school. Call me crazy. It's seriously the most wild week of the school year, but in a way, it was a really fun week to go back. The kids were so sweet on Monday and I was so happy to see them. I missed Emery soooo much, though. I cried almost every morning and couldn't wait to go get her every afternoon. I even left my classroom in utter disarray at the end of the day! This is so not like me... This week, we had to go back for teacher work days and I packed up my classroom for good. I grew up dreaming of being a teacher and played school every chance I got. My play classroom was serious business, y'all. I had a chalkboard, bulletin boards that I changed monthly, a teacher desk, grade book, lesson plan book, and stickers. Oh, the stickers. I'm so thankful that I got to live out the dream of being a teacher for 7 years, and now I'm oh so incredibly grateful that I get to live out another dream and stay home with my sweet baby girl. It's a gigantic blessing that I won't ever take for granted.

My first classroom
The nameplate on the desk was a gift I got when I was about 10 years old. That's all I ever asked for...teacher stuff. :)
Saying goodbye...
My sweet niece, Vanna, graduated from preschool a couple of weeks ago! HOW is that possible?! It was such a cute program. They marched in wearing their cute little hats and sang songs that I sang in Sunday school like "I'm in the Lord's Army" and a personal favorite, "This Little Light of Mine". Although I always preferred this jazzier version by Psalty the Singing Songbook. I'm sure my parents and sister are having flashbacks right now of me belting it out in the car. :) Anyway, I was armed at the graduation with Kleenex, but Vanna kept me smiling...especially when she used her rolled up diploma as a spy glass. I. Loved. It. When they called her name, they said that she wanted to be "an ice cream lady who tastes the ice cream and makes sure all the ingredients are right". That is my kind of job! I picked her up from school that day and we went to Bruster's to celebrate her graduation and future career. ;)

Cutie pie.

Speaking of graduations, another one of my nieces, Jayma, is graduating from HIGH SCHOOL tomorrow. Stop it right now. I cannot believe it. I remember when she was BORN, when she called grapes "glapes", when she wore her hair in these cute little curly pigtails. And now she's an absolutely beautiful young woman on her way to college! We're so proud of her and can't wait to see her graduate!

Another cutie pie.

I heart Weight Watchers. Not really, because who loves watching their weight, but I love that it works. I've lost 11.2 pounds in three weeks. Hallelujah. Baby weight be gone! So obviously I didn't go on a crazy candy eating binge like the CVS cashier probably thought I would. Click here if you have no idea what I'm talking about. It's a funny story. Those darn name tags get me every time.

Speaking of Weight Watchers, one of my favorite things to eat lately is Greek salad. My sister came over for lunch one day recently and brought the most delicious Greek salad. It's so super easy, too. The dressing is just 2/3 cup olive oil, 6 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of kosher salt, and 1 clove of minced garlic. Then I just toss it with salad mix {sweet butter is my fave!}, tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta seasoned with a little oregano. On Weight Watchers, all of that is free except for the dressing and feta so I can eat a big yummy salad for only 4 points! Love it!

I'll leave you with these pictures of my little sweetie. Oh my heart.


Whatever you end up doing this weekend, I hope it's wonderful! :)

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Monday, May 26, 2014

#richlyblesseddaily2014 {Weeks 19 & 20}

Here are weeks 19 and 20 of #richlyblesseddaily2014! 

You can follow along every day on Instagram @richlyblessedblog. :)
Click here to see previous weeks.

 Day 130: So thankful my parents are back in town after a long three weeks away!

 Day 131: My first Mother's Day. I'm so, so thankful that God gave me this precious tiny blessing who made me a mommy.

 Day 132: I got to see my precious niece graduate from preschool today! I especially love that she used her diploma as a spy glass! It helped this proud aunt keep the tears at bay! Cousin Emery was along for the ride and just snoozed away.

Day 133: This sweet baby spent part of the day with Nana and had so much fun she hardly slept! She fell asleep before we were off their street and again right after I got her out of her car seat. I will never get tired of watching her sleep. Sweetest thing ever.

 Day 134: TWO months old today! Time, please slow down.

 Day 135: This is the outfit we brought her home in! Even though it was newborn size, the pants literally fell off of her that day! It finally fits, but it probably won't next week!

 Day 136: Our first ice cream date in a while...this time with a baby in the back!! Love it!

Day 137: A perfect day to spend at the Regions Tradition!

 Day 138: Emery's first time in the nursery. She did way better than Mommy...which is why I'm not in the picture.

 Day 139: In my 7 years of teaching, I have never, ever left my desk looking like this at the end of the day. But I've also never had a precious baby girl to go pick up either! Missed her like crazy today.

 Day 140: I adore this precious face.

 Day 141: Happy baby after bath time!

 Day 142: I'm so proud of my husband for graduating from the Top Gun ministry for men for the second year in a row...this year as a group leader. So thankful for him and his spiritual leadership.

Day 143: Last day of school! #exhausted

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend {2014}

I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day this year! It was an absolutely perfect day. Daniel got up to do Emery's first feeding so I could sleep in, but he brought her to me first to give me some Mother's Day love. :) {I still *cannot* believe she is TWO months old!! Where has time time gone?!?} I slept until 9:30 and then woke up to a yummy omelet for breakfast with all of my favorite ingredients. Well, make that an omelet scramble. Flipping omelets is hard, people. :)

It totally reminded me of the omelet I got every morning on our vacation last summer. Oh, and those chocolate croissants! I want to go back!!!


Then I got my first Mother's Day gifts. Daniel gave me a "Mother's Day You Pick Three" with a bunch of date night ideas. So sweet and thoughtful. I loved it. He also picked out this beautiful frame and put one of my favorite family photos from our newborn session in it. There was a letter on the back. If you know me, you know I cried. I couldn't even read it at first, y'all. I had to give it a minute!

Emery was a perfect angel during church and slept the whole time. Our pastor preached an incredible sermon that morning about the sin of comparison. It was powerful and serious, but he did talk for a few minutes about how he's glad he's not a mom in our Pinterest-driven society. It was so funny, but it was so good for my soul.

Another thing that was good for my soul was going on my first mom's night out on Friday night with some wonderful ladies in my church community group. We went to see the movie Moms' Night Out and not only was the movie hilarious, the message was so, so encouraging. This was my absolute favorite quote from the movie:

I just love that so much. And that's not just for moms. That's for everyone.

Oh, and some fun facts about the movie: the parents of the directors of the movie are in our church community group and are the sweetest couple and the movie was filmed in Birmingham! It was so neat to see my city in a movie!

Anyway, after church on Sunday we headed to my sister's house for Mother's Day lunch. It was a perfect day so we took some pictures outside.

Becoming a mom has made me appreciate my amazing mom even more. I'm so thankful for her.

Emery was hungry by this time and was letting everybody know it! :)

I know what an incredible gift it is to be a mom and I don't take it lightly. I'm so thankful for my baby girl and for the wonderful Mom that God gave to me.

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