Wednesday, October 2, 2013

16 Weeks

Click here to see my other weekly pregnancy update posts.
Click here to see my step-by-step chalk art tutorial.

How Far Along: 16 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of an avocado and is about 4.5 inches long. The baby can also pick up the sound of my voice now!

Total Weight Gain: +5.5 pounds I'm thinking that part of this may be from all the birthday celebrations! :)

Gender: We find out in 2 weeks!!

Maternity Clothes: I'm still wearing a mix of maternity clothes and regular clothes. Maternity clothes are *definitely* more comfortable. I'm not able to wear a lot of my regular shirts, though. They're either too tight around the tummy or not quite long enough for the belly band or maternity pants.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet

Sleep: I've started sleeping better these last few nights!! I still wake up around 4:00, but I've been able to go back to sleep pretty quickly. So thankful for this!

Cravings/Aversions: I'm still eating veggies, just not as often as I was before. Applesauce and apples with caramel dip are still really good. I don't think there have really been any new cravings this week. I haven't been a huge fan of meat, though.

Symptoms: Nothing much out of the ordinary. I'm still tired, but that's pretty typical. :)

Mood: It's been good this week! No crying at dinner or other craziness like that! :)

What I Miss: I really can't think of anything I'm missing right now!

Looking Forward To: Planning a mini gender reveal party for my family!

Best Moment This Week: Going to our 15 week appointment and hearing that sweet heartbeat again. It was 145 bpm this time. At 12 weeks, the heartbeat was in the 160s and everyone was saying they thought it was a girl. Maybe not?! :)

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  1. Agghh you're sooo close to finding out!!! I can't wait to know what that sweet baby is!! I'm honestly thinking it's a boy for some reason...but I guess we'll know in 2 weeks, right? Can you please just text me and tell me before everyone else knows (other than Daniel of course!)? lol I am really great at keeping secrets you know!! ;)

  2. Let's talk about those chalkboard skills! That is some seriously beautiful hand writing!

  3. Girl, that is not my handwriting! I wish I could write that well freehand on a chalkboard! You'll have to check out my tutorial to see how I did it!

  4. My parents both think it's a boy, too! Gosh, I just cannot wait to find out! It's going to be hard keeping it a secret for those two days after out appointment! And yes, I know you're great at keeping secrets!! :)

  5. I've done that on canvas before but I never thought about using that method with a chalkboard! Awesome....
