Wednesday, November 6, 2013

21 Weeks

Click here to see my other weekly pregnancy update posts.
Click here to see my step-by-step chalk art tutorial.

How Far Along: 21 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of a pomegranate, weighs about 12 ounces, and is about 10.5 inches long. At first, I thought that had to be wrong since last week's measurement was 6.5 inches, but then I remembered that after 20 weeks, the measurements are given from head to feet, instead of "crown to rump" {as all the baby websites say}.

Total Weight Gain: +11.5 pounds, I gained two pounds this week.

Gender: It's a girl!!

Maternity Clothes: Almost everything I'm wearing is maternity, except for a few pairs of pants that I wear with the belly band and blousy shirts.

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet

Sleep: Sleep is pretty much the same as last week...not bad, but not great, either.

Cravings/Aversions: I've been wanting Subway for the longest time {weird, I never crave Subway}, but couldn't have it because of the deli meat. We went this weekend and I got a veggie sub and it was so, so good. I could eat it again right this very minute. Other than that, nothing else has really changed. I still have to have my ice water with me at all times. :)

Symptoms: Still feeling pretty good, except I got sick again the other night. I thought it was happening because I was taking my prenatal vitamins without enough food, but I know that wasn't the case this time. It's weird, completely random, and happens about once a week. I'm also starting to get a little lower back pain every now and then. I'm sure that will be getting much worse in the months to come! Not complaining, though!

Movement: I'm feeling her move every day! I love, love, love it! Some days I feel it a couple of times an hour, and then other days it's only a few times. I can't wait until Daniel can feel her!

Mood: Happy!!!

What I Miss: I can't think of a single thing! :)

Looking Forward To: I can't wait for the nursery to start coming together! I mentioned last week that we bought a crib and changing table/dresser, and this week I bought these curtains at Pottery Barn Kids last night. They are exactly what I wanted and they were on sale!!! Yay!! :)

Best Moment This Week: I had the best, laid back weekend with my sweetheart.

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