Wednesday, October 16, 2013

18 Weeks

Click here to see my other weekly pregnancy update posts.
Click here to see my step-by-step chalk art tutorial.

How Far Along: 18 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is the size of a sweet potato, weighs almost 7 ounces, and is about 5.6 inches long.

Total Weight Gain: +6 pounds, I gained 1.5 pounds this week.

Gender: We will find out TOMORROW!!

Maternity Clothes: I'm mostly wearing maternity clothes and I need to get some more things!! I've been a major outfit repeater here lately!

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet

Sleep: I really haven't had many weird dreams this week. I did have one that was about the baby, but I *cannot* remember if it was a boy or girl in my dream! I'm sleeping pretty well even though I wake up at least once every night.

Cravings/Aversions: I haven't been craving anything super specific lately, but foods that are cold have sounded really good. McDonald's ice cream cones have been calling my name on my way home from work!

Symptoms: I feel like my hair is getting thicker {and I already have really thick hair!}. I also think that the texture of it is a little different.

Movement: I think I may have felt the baby move this past weekend. It was really faint and just felt like bubbles popping. I haven't felt it since, but I also haven't spent much time being still or laying down, either, which could be why I haven't noticed it again.

Mood: I've been happy most of the time, but I've also been crying *very* easily over really silly things. Like the dedications on Dancing With the Stars. Or Daniel leaving me the last tootsie roll with my lunch. You get the picture. Complete silliness.

What I Miss: I can't think of anything I'm missing right now!

Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound tomorrow! I just can't believe it's almost here! I'm also super excited about the mini gender reveal party we're having for our family this weekend. I'll post pictures! :)

Best Moment This Week: Getting things ready for our gender reveal party and actually having the decorations I made turn out like I was hoping they would! I plan on sharing tutorials and printables for some of the stuff I've made!

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  1. I'm wearing pink tomorrow... ;) you look like you really popped out too!!! I'm so excited for you to find out!

  2. I'm predicting boy for you....not quite sure why. Just instinct? lol I can't wait to hear!! And I can't wait to see pics from your gender reveal party too! Happy 18 weeks sweet friend! And I bet that was the baby you felt too!!!! That's exactly what it felt like when I felt Jackson for the 1st time and then I didn't feel him again for like 2 weeks. ha! Good luck tomorrow and drink some caffeine!!

  3. Yes, I'm definitely starting to show more...especially in certain clothes! I'm literally counting the minutes until we know! I'm so ready to start buying things and working on the room! :)

  4. I'm hoping that it was the baby moving! I can't wait to see the ultrasound...I know it will look so different than last time! I can't wait to share the news! :)

  5. I definitely think it was baby moving!! I'm not going to be able to stand waiting until the weekend to know!! lol I've got spots open in my calendar for monogramming if you want anything!! ;)

  6. ok, so i'm actually wearing purple :) All of my pink is too summery. LOL! I can't wait to see the pictures of the baby's room!!!
