Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sadie {3 Months}

Here we are again! Another month has passed and Sadie has grown and changed so much! She is such a happy baby girl!

3 Months/13 Weeks

9 Weeks

10 Weeks - I can't believe the difference between the 9 week and 10 week pictures! She changed so much!

11 Weeks

12 Weeks

- We had a doctor's appointment on August 24th and Sadie was up to 14 pounds, 12.5 ounces!

- She is wearing 0-3 month, 3 month, and a few 3-6 month clothes. All of her jammies are 3 month and she'll probably be in 6 month ones soon since she's on the tall side. Emery was the same way with PJs, always a size ahead. She's wearing size one diapers and will probably move up to size two before too long.

- A couple of days after she was 2 months, she started getting really fussy and squirmy for feedings and spitting up a lot more often. We thought maybe she was ready for a level 2 nipple, but that didn't help. Thankfully, we had a doctor's appointment two days later and found out she probably had acid reflux. The doctor prescribed Zantac and a different formula and she is so much better now!

- We moved her up to 5 ounces on July 22nd and up to 6 ounces on August 5th. This is around the time she started sleeping through the night more often which is why I think she started eating more during the day. She eats about every 3 hours, and just recently has started to go 4 hours between feedings every now and then, not consistently yet, though.

Her little hands are almost always in fists when she eats!

Emery is quick to help! She loves to help feed Sadie!

- We moved Sadie to her room on July 28th and she slept from 8pm-3am that night! That was the first time she didn't wake up to eat around 10:00. She hasn't woken up for that 10:00 feeding since we moved her to her room. She has continued to do so well in her room! She slept from 8pm-6:15am on July 31st, then from 8pm-7am on August 8th! She has slept from 8pm until 6-7:30am every night since then. Every now and then she'll wake up in the middle of the night for her paci, but we haven't had to feed her in the middle of the night for the last few weeks. Those first couple of months of her not sleeping through the night seemed long, but I also can't believe that we're already back to the schedule of Daniel and I having our evenings to ourselves. She was always so content, though, that we didn't mind her hanging out with us while we watched TV in the evenings. 💕

- Sadie has started to be on a relatively predictable schedule which is nice because I love a routine! She wakes up between 6:30-7:30 and is usually very smiley and happy! 💕 She eats, stays awake for a little over an hour and will take a nap anywhere from 45 minutes-2 hours {a shorter nap is more common}. She'll eat around 10:00-10:30, stay awake for about an hour and a half and take another pretty short nap, maybe 45 minutes to an hour. On a perfect day, I'll feed her around 12:30 and put her in her swing for another nap around 1:00. She's usually pretty tired by this time because most days she's only taken two short naps. This is also the same time Emery takes her nap, so when it works out, both girls will nap at the same time. Sadie will usually sleep until 3:30-4:00, eat again, stay up for about an hour and a half, then go to sleep for a 30-45 minute nap. We feed her her last bottle around 7:00, do her nighttime routine {diaper change, lotion, jammies, songs, rock, sound machine, lay her down with her paci}, and she's usually asleep by 8:00.

Happy baby after sleeping for 11 hours straight!

I love these morning smiles!

She takes a long nap in her swing almost every afternoon! So glad she finally started liking her swing!

- She really is a dream baby and really only gets fussy if she's hungry or tired!

- We got her a kick and play piano a few weeks ago and she loves it! She kicks like crazy and loves to look up at the mirror and toys. She's even started to grab at some of the toys. Emery loves the kick and play, too! 😂

- She has become the smiliest little thing! It is so easy to get her to smile and we all just love it! She's even started to do those smiles where she opens her mouth as wide as she can. So, so cute!

- Sadie has also started talking a lot! They are the sweetest little baby noises! She absolutely loves it when people talk to her, and she talks back a lot now. It's precious!

- She seemed to have a blocked tear duct a few weeks ago. Her eye was always watery and sometimes a little crusty in the mornings. I asked her doctor and she told me to massage the inner corner of her eye a few times a day and it seemed to work itself out.

- Bath time has become a little more messy...especially when Emery is involved. 😂 I still bathe her in her tub at the kitchen sink and she kicks so much that it gets water everywhere! She likes her baths, though! And Emery *loves* to help give Sadie a bath!

- She has started putting her hands in her mouth more and more. I'm hoping that doesn't mean she's going to be teething soon!

- She is doing great at tummy time! She doesn't last too long, but she can get her head up really high now! She doesn't roll over from her tummy to her back yet, which is just fine with me! I'm not ready for any of those milestones yet!

- Sadie looks just like her big sister. I went back and ready Emery's three month post and so many of the pictures look exactly like Sadie!

- She is still a big fan of her pacifier! She doesn't have it all the time, but it definitely helps soothe her to sleep or keep her happy while she waits for her bottle!

- She scoots! Emery would scoot all the way down to the end of her crib when she was this age, but Sadie scoots and rotates herself around! Usually she rotates 45 degrees, but last night she turned herself all the way around and her head was at the opposite end of the crib. Sometimes it wakes her up because she bumps her head or her feet on her crib while she's scooting.

- She likes to look at the TV! Sometimes when Emery is watching Mickey Mouse or Daniel Tiger, Sadie will watch it, too! She also seems to like Fox News. 😀

- She is still our little snuggle bug and I love to hold her for naps whenever I can! She also still loves to be swaddled!

- Emery is still an amazing big sister and gets so excited when Sadie looks at her, smiles, or talks! She loves to help with anything and everything and it is so sweet to see.

Reading to Sadie...
- She has also started playing with her baby Stella more often and it is so cute to watch her treat Stella like we treat Sadie. Watching Emery with Stella makes us feel like we're pretty good parents! 😂

Burping baby Stella
She put down Stella for a nap...usually she swaddles her, too! 😂
We are so incredibly grateful for these precious girls!

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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Welcome to the world, Sadie Hope!

Our precious Sadie Hope was born on Friday, May 19th, 2017 at 7:24 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, was 20.5 inches long, and absolutely perfect.

When I think about the day she was born and the days in the hospital following her birth, there's nothing but sweet memories, joy, and happiness. It was so wonderful!

We scheduled my c-section in early April and it was so nice knowing when she'd arrive. We picked the 19th because it was a Friday and Memorial Day was a week and a half away so it would give Daniel more time off work. We also had Emery on a Friday and it was nice to not go through Daniel's vacation days while we were in the hospital.

Look at what we were doing last year on May 19th! We were on the top of a mountain in Hawaii! This year was definitely better! 💕

My c-section was scheduled for 7:15 a.m. and we had to be at the hospital by 4:30 a.m.! We took these pictures around 3:45 a.m. before we left for the hospital.

At the hospital!

They got me all hooked up to the monitors and started my IV. Getting my IV was no easy task. Apparently my veins like to turn, so it took her a couple of tries. My nurse's name was Francis and she was so, so sweet! *Way* better than the nurse I had when I had Emery. I was feeling pretty good for the first hour or so that we were in there.

Then I started feeling really nervous and emotional. They had just given me lots of medicine in my IV and I just didn't feel good at all. I remember the same thing happening when I was getting ready to have Emery. I just got so nervous about the actual c-section and recovery and I just wanted to get it over with. I told Francis I was feeling anxious and she said they would give me some medicine with my epidural.

I don't remember what time it was, but the anesthesiologist {Dr. Nag-I had him with Emery, too!} came in to give me my epidural. He was such a nice man! Every single person who took care of us this time was just so wonderful. My doctor came in to check on me around the same time I was getting my epidural. Dr. Nag gave me some medicine to help me relax and let me just say, whatever he gave me was *amazing*! I felt better almost instantly and was able to talk and laugh again. It was some really good stuff! 👌😂 I was so glad I had it because it made me able to actually enjoy the whole experience! Dr. Nag came in again later to give me the second dose of my epidural and I was completely numb.

Then it was time to go in the OR! They took me first and I remember being so concerned that they wouldn't bring Daniel in the OR in time. I kept asking about him and they reassured me he'd be in there. 💕 As they were getting me ready in the OR, I got really cold and light-headed because my blood pressure was getting really low. It happened a few times. I would just tell one of the nurses what was going on and they'd give me some medicine. It was crazy how fast those medicines would work!

Daniel made it into the OR and we were ready to go! What a surreal moment!

It happens so fast! Look at that precious baby hand!

They cleaned her up a little bit and she was crying so much! I don't remember Emery crying quite that much and I kept asking if Sadie was okay. They said she was and then they brought her to me so I could hold her for a little bit. I remember all I could really say was, "Oh my goodness!" while I cried. It really is an indescribable moment.

They cleaned her up some more, swaddled her, and then Daniel got to hold her. I love this picture.

After they finished doing everything they needed to do with Sadie, we headed to the recovery room which was the same room where I got ready for the c-section. I was feeling great and way more aware than I did after Emery's c-section, although I can't remember as many details now as I'd like. I was so glad I got to finally hold her again.

She had her first bottle and drank it like a pro. So sweet! {Terrible picture of Mommy, but the first bottle has to be documented!}

Lots of snuggles! Her little face! 😍

Then it was time for Emery to come meet her baby sister. I thought I would be an absolute teary mess, but I wasn't! I think I was trying really hard to be normal for Emery, and I was able to keep it together. She was in the waiting room with my family so Daniel went to get her. She had picked out a sweet pink bunny blanket lovey for Sadie the week before, so she brought that when she met her.

My big girl... 💕

She was a little unsure at first since Sadie was still crying quite a bit.

Meeting Sadie for the first time...she just didn't know what to think.

But after a minute, Mommy and Sadie both got sweet kisses.

This melts my heart!

After Emery had been in the recovery room for a little while, Daniel took her back out to the waiting room to get my parents and my sister. Having my family there to see Sadie for the first time was just such a sweet and special moment. They spent a little time with us in the recovery room and then headed back to the waiting room with Emery because my nurses were ready to transition us to a regular room.

Once we got in our regular room, Sadie got her first bath!

All clean!!

I love this! So snuggly!

Daddy holding a sweet, clean, snuggly baby. 💕

After we were all settled, everyone came back to our room for snuggles with Sadie! Emery was all about Sadie and always wanted to be close to her, but she was *so* serious the whole time!

We finally got a smile!

Sadie was getting hungry again and Emery wanted to help!

Just so sweet... 💕

Nana finally got to get her hands on her eleventh grandbaby.

More kisses for Sadie!

Aunt Allie's turn!

Emery was always right there!

And finally Poppa got to hold Sadie.

Emery also changed Baby Stella's diaper while she was there. 😂

Vanna had school that day, but Uncle DJ checked her out around lunchtime so they could come to the hospital. I love how Vanna had on all pink! 💗

Sadie meets Uncle DJ for the first time!

I honestly don't remember much about the rest of that day after everyone left. I'm pretty sure we napped on and off since we had such an early start to the day. Sadie did great on her first night! She woke up maybe every 2 hours, sometimes 3, she'd eat and then go right back to sleep!

The next morning, we took some pictures of her with her first onesie sticker and with her precious hat and blanket. She looks so different already!

Nana, Poppa, and Emery came back for a visit on Saturday. Emery *loves* any kind of stuffed animal, so she was so excited to see Sadie using her owl Wubbanub. She was obsessed with that owl for a few weeks before Sadie was born.

Checking out her big sister!

Emery was much more comfortable on Saturday!!

Aunt Allie, Uncle DJ, and Vanna came to visit again on Saturday, too!

Everyone had eaten lunch at the hospital on Friday, and Emery kept asking to go back to the "restaurant" for a snack, so Uncle DJ, Aunt Allie, and Vanna took her down to the cafeteria. Nana and Poppa had given her a little owl purse and Emery came back to the room with an orange juice in her owl purse. 😂

Precious girl was worn out from all her visitors. She was showing us already how laid back she was going to be.

Until we tried to take her picture in this adorable onesie a friend made for her. She seriously hardly ever cried at all other than this!

She just really liked being snuggled up!

Some of our sweet friends from church came to visit us that night and brought us Taziki's for dinner so we could get a little break from hospital food. It was so fun introducing our precious baby girl to our friends.

That night got a little bit stressful because Sadie's temperature wasn't as high as it needed to be. They were checking it every 30 minutes, turning up the temperature in our room, and having me do skin to skin with her hoping it would come up and stay up. They also warm blankets on top of both of us. My temperature certainly came up! I was so hot! They gave her this little thermal hat to wear, too.

Sadie's temperature came up a little bit so they started checking it every hour. It went down again so she had to go on the warmer in our room for an hour or so. After that, it seemed to regulate but I think I slept with her on me most of that night.

At some point during the second day, they did the heel prick to test for jaundice and found her numbers were slightly elevated. We were nervous about this because Emery had jaundice and had to be under the bilirubin lights for two days while we were in the hospital with her. So on Sunday, we put Sadie by the window in our room for a little bit since sunlight is supposed to help with jaundice. She seemed to really like it. 💗

Sweet little foot!

Looks like we're going to have another paci girl! Emery *loved* her pacis!

Our sweet girl slept *so* much! I know newborns sleep a ton, but she slept so much that I actually asked if it was normal!

My parents and Emery came to visit again on Sunday, but we didn't take any pictures that time.

Our Sunday school teacher also came to visit us on Sunday afternoon and brought us a dozen Dunkin' Donuts! 🍩

Daddy and his baby girl. She just looks so incredibly tiny.

The hospital photographers came to take Sadie's pictures on Sunday, too.

We wanted to order something for dinner on Sunday night and one of my sweet nurses told us that Steak Out delivered to the hospital. I had never had Steak Out before, but Daniel was craving a steak and said it was really good so we ordered from there. So crazy to have steak delivered! They got there so fast and it was really good! We had steak, a baked potato, salad, and rolls for our last night there.

Sunday night went much smoother than the night before. She would wake up every 2-3 hours to eat and then go right back to sleep, sometimes in her little bed, or sometimes on one of us. I woke up from several naps like this while we were in the hospital... 💕

Either Sunday night or Monday morning, Sadie got her bilirubin levels checked again and they had gone up a little bit, but they said they weren't high enough for her to be on the lights. We were so relieved! They just told us to go to the pediatrician in two days to get her rechecked.

Since before Sadie was born, we had planned to go home on Monday. Monday came around and we were waiting and waiting for my doctor to come and check on me so we could get discharged. We did a lot of this while we waited...

She didn't come until almost 2:00. She had assumed we were going to stay another night. She gave us the choice, but I was feeling great and we were ready to get home, so she went ahead and discharged us.

Time to get dressed in her coming home outfit!

I remember that I could not stop crying when I was getting Emery dressed to go home! It was still emotional with Sadie, but I was able to keep it together this time!

Such a tiny little thing!

Of course, we had to have a headband!

Our sweet, beautiful girl was ready to go home!

First time in the car seat! I can't believe how tiny she looks! She's already *so* much bigger!

She had to ride with the pink lovey that Emery picked out...which is pretty much the same size as Sadie!

Ready to go!! So snuggly!

Leaving our home away from home for the last few days.

All settled and ready to go for her first car ride!

We headed to drop off my prescriptions and then went to Chick-fil-A to get frosted strawberry lemonades while they filled the prescriptions. The entire time we were in the hospital, we were both craving fruity drinks!!

Then Sadie got to see her home for the first time!

First bottle at home...

And then our other precious girl came home! My parents brought her home that evening and they said that it seemed like Emery didn't quite believe them that Sadie was going to be home, too. 😂💕 She was excited and wanted to hold her right away!

We are so thankful for such wonderful memories and two happy, healthy, precious girls!


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