Friday, June 19, 2015

Five Years!

We celebrated our fifth anniversary this past weekend! I really can't believe it's been five years. It feels like it went so fast, but at the same time, so much has changed in our lives so it kind of feels like a lot longer.

On Friday night, our actual anniversary, we went to dinner at Hot and Hot Fish Club. We really like to celebrate, and for us, that usually means a lot of food. ;) We had appetizers, our entrees, *and* dessert! Everything was so, so good.

Emery was spending the night at my sister's house, so we got to pretend like we were dating again and go to a movie at 10:00. I totally fell asleep for a few minutes...I'm not as young as I used to be.

Since five years is kind of a milestone, we wanted to do something extra to celebrate, so we went to Orange Beach for a few days. We've never left Emery for more than one night, so we didn't want to be gone for too long. She was in very good hands with my parents, though. I don't think they wanted to give her back to us!

We left on Sunday morning and as I've mentioned before, to us celebration = food! We had ourselves a little breakfast appetizer at Krispy Kreme {sour cream cake donuts!!!!} and then had a Croissan'wich at Burger King. I seriously had a Croissan'wich almost every Friday morning before work when I was pregnant. :)

Now that is a great way to start a trip!!

Then we were on our way to Orange Beach! We couldn't check in to our hotel until 4:00, so we had planned to go to lunch somewhere and also do a little shopping at the outlet mall in Foley. When we got closer, we started seeing billboards for Lambert's and I knew we had to stop. I've heard all about how they throw rolls. Normally, I'm not really into people throwing things at me, but when carbs are involved, go right ahead. We placed bets on our way on how many times I'd get hit with a roll. We thought they'd just be flying nonstop, but apparently there are designated times for the roll throwing.

Daniel strategically sat against the wall so he could see them coming and warn me to duck if needed!

He caught two rolls for me! My hero! :)

Once we checked in to our hotel, we headed to the beach for a couple of hours before dinner. I just love the sound of those waves and that ocean breeze. There is just nothing like it.

We went to a restaurant called Cobalt that night. We really wanted to go somewhere that had outdoor seating and was on the water and this was perfect. They had a huge outdoor seating area with palm trees, lights, and live music. It was right on the bay so we got to watch boats go by. It totally made us both want a boat.

Monday was our only full day in Orange Beach, so we spent a lot of time on the beach! We rented chairs and an umbrella and took little catnaps all morning while we listened to the waves. It was perfect. We took a quick break for lunch and a quick walk around the marina, then headed back to the beach for the rest of the afternoon.

We had so much fun on Monday night. We went to dinner at The Gulf which was probably my favorite restaurant we went to on our whole trip. The whole place is outside with a beautiful view of the beach and they have lots of picnic tables and outdoor furniture set up right in the sand. We loved it!

There were piers really close to The Gulf, so we walked down one of the piers to watch the sun set and got to see a dolphin! I tried to get a picture of his fin sticking up out of the water, but that guy was too quick for me. It was really neat to see, though! You can just barely see it in this picture.

After a quick trip to Publix to get a couple of things for breakfast, we headed back to the hotel so I could change because we were going to race go karts. Yes. You read that right. We're really just big kids.

Too busy buckling up to pay attention for a picture. Safety first!

Daniel claims that he just had a slow go kart, but I totally beat him. ;)

It was pretty late by then, so we stopped by The Hangout for some midnight snacks and souvenir shopping. The food there was just okay, but it was a really fun place!

We had to check out of our hotel the next morning by 11:00, so we really didn't have time to go to the beach. Instead we slept as late as we could...which is about 8:00 these days and ate powdered donuts in bed while we watched Royal Pains on Netflix. Pretty perfect morning...

We packed up our stuff and headed to lunch at Lulu's. We knew we wanted to go here because we've heard a lot about it {and we've seen tons of those t-shirts!} and it was definitely a fun place! It worked out well because it was on our way home.

We were in and out of there pretty quick because we were ready to get home to our little sweetheart! We weren't even gone that long, but we missed her so much!! We got to my parents' house around 4:30 so we had a few hours to play with her before it was her bedtime. The little stinker teased us and didn't even act excited to see us for a minute or two. :)

She loved her little purse we got her at The Hangout and wore it for a while. When it would slide off her shoulder, she'd swing her arm so it would go back up! Haha!

We had such a great time celebrating five amazing years and can't wait to go back to Orange Beach with Emery later this summer!

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