Monday, June 9, 2014

#richlyblesseddaily2014 {Week 22}

Here is week 22 of #richlyblesseddaily2014! 

You can follow along every day on Instagram @richlyblessedblog. :)
Click here to see previous weeks.

 Day 151: We had a great time celebrating Jayma's graduation at her party tonight!

 Day 152: I had to be at church early this morning for praise team, so Daddy got Emery up and ready for church. They were even early!

 Day 153: I rolled over from my tummy to my back today!

 Day 154: HOW does she get out of this swaddle?!? Also, I love it when she holds my hand.

 Day 155: Lunch with a sweet friend today!

 Day 156: This baby can scoot! Every morning lately, we check the monitor and there's no baby on the screen! She starts with her head under the mobile and ends up with her feet touching the other end of the crib!

Day 157: Emery was a real party animal when we celebrated National Donut Day. We also had a date night at home and did indoor s'mores and played games. I won! :)

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