Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sadie {10 Months}

And here we are at 10 months old already! We've started affectionately referring to her as "Hurricane Sadie" this last month. She is *everywhere* and into *everything*! But she couldn't be sweeter! 💕

Just a hint of that crinkly nose smile we love so much! 
We didn't take any weekly pictures of her this month! 😔I think it's because getting her dressed is like a full body workout. Quite the challenge! I want to do better for next month.

- She's wearing 6-12 month and some 12 month clothes. We can still squeeze her into some 9 month pajamas, but she's mostly in 12 month ones. She's still in a size 3 diaper.

- Sadie is eating so well. She's eating food three times a day. We're still doing mostly purees since she still has *zero* teeth {what?!}! We will give her little bites of whatever we're eating, too. We ate at Taziki's for Emery's birthday and Sadie *loved* the chicken, rice, and pita! Some of her favorites seem to be apples, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and mangoes. It seems like she'll eat anything as long as it's mixed with one of those.

- She is still taking a bottle four times a day and usually drinks the full 8 ounces.

- Sleep is going great! Her schedule is becoming more and more consistent which is nice! She wakes up between 7:00-7:30, takes her first nap around 9:00-9:30 {usually 1.5-2 hours}, takes her second nap around 1:00-1:30 and will usually sleep until 3:00-3:30. Then she takes her last bottle around 6:30 and is usually in bed by 7:00. She usually handles changes in her schedule pretty well, too. We can sometimes push a nap or bedtime a little later if we need to and she does okay. One Sunday, she completely skipped her first nap {and was still happy!}, but then she made up for it that afternoon by taking a 4 hour nap!

- Sadie is jabbering away all the time! Lots of mama, dada, baba, yaya, lala, and she added nana! I don't know how much she associates mama and dada with us, but it sure is sweet to hear her say it! She smiles big when we talk back to her!

- She absolutely loves her pacis and we use them as a way to get her to come back to us. If she's going somewhere I don't want her to, I'll show her her paci and she'll come crawling right back to it.

- Sadie can dance, wave {very energetically with both arms!}, and cruise all over the place if she's holding on to something. She will pull up on anything and everything which means we really can't take our eyes off of her! She's even stood without support for a few seconds a couple of times. We finally had to put a gate at the bottom of the stairs because she wouldn't stay away!

- If the dishwasher is open, she makes a beeline for it! I was right there beside her unloading it, and before I knew it, she was standing on the door!!

- Her hair is getting so long and is getting little curls in the back and on the sides. It's precious.

- She clicks her tongue! She used to do it back to me all the time, but now she really only does it back to Emery. Emery loves that!

- Sadie can't enough bouncing. She loves bouncing on her sit-to-stand elephant and it's just the cutest. She also loves bouncing on our laps. If we stop, she starts kicking her legs until we start again. 😂

We couldn't be more thankful for our sweet Sadie. I'm hoping these next couple of months will just crawl by so we can enjoy every last second of her being a baby!

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