Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sadie {9 Months)

Our little Sadie is 9 months old! It just seems so darn close to that first birthday that I'm totally not ready for. So much has happened this month with Sadie! She's growing up way too fast.

We have gotten really behind on our weekly pictures of Sadie and this is the only one we have from this month.

38 Weeks - Our little valentine 💗

- We had her 9 month checkup on 2/20 and she has grown a lot! She was 21 pounds 14.5 ounces (90th percentile), 30.75 inches long (95th percentile), and her head circumference was 17.25 inches (50th percentile). She's already almost as big as Emery was on her first birthday! 

- She's wearing 6-12 month and some 12 month clothes. Her 9 month pajamas are almost too small, so she's been wearing mostly 12 month ones. She's still in a size 3 diaper.

- Sadie *loves* to eat! We're doing food 2-3 times a day now and she's doing great! She's tried carrots, peas, turkey, cheese, fresh green beans, yogurt melts, watermelon, strawberry, apple cinnamon oatmeal, banana peanut butter oatmeal, and probably a few other things that I can't remember. She didn't like the carrots and peas on their own at all, but would eat them once we mixed another fruit or butternut squash with it. She gets excited when she sees us with her bowl and spoon and if she's really liking something, we really can't feed her fast enough! Her mouth goes open so fast and she leans toward the spoon! The only thing she doesn't like about eating is when we clean her face afterwards. *Hates* it!

- She is still taking a bottle four times a day and usually drinks the full 8 ounces. We have a hungry girl! 😂

- Still no teeth! What in the world?

- Sadie is usually a great sleeper! We have started to cut out the third cat nap completely even if she doesn't take a good afternoon nap because we found that if she took a third nap, it took her forever to go to sleep at bedtime. So she usually goes to bed around 6:45-7:15 and will sleep until 6:30-7:00. She will occasionally sleep later (sometimes even until 8:00), but she's been waking up around 6:45 most mornings lately. Her naps are usually 1.5-2 hours with a short one every now and then, but she's become a pretty consistent good little napper. 😊

- She became an official crawler on January 30th! She kind of half crawled for a few days before, but she really figured it out that day. She's been unstoppable ever since. She's everywhere, into everything, and pulling up on anything she can! She's even taken a few steps while holding onto furniture. She absolutely loves standing with my help and leaning back and forth toward me. I've gotten a few laughs doing that, and she doesn't laugh easily!

Not completely confident yet...

And a couple of days later, she had no fear!

I love how it looks like she's peeking inside! {She was actually just licking the oven door. 😂}
- Now that she's crawling, it seems like she goes for everything that we don't want her to have. A few of her favorites are cords, nightlights, the pantry, and our Apple TV remote. We can give her our other remote, but she doesn't care about it! She only wants the Apple TV one! One afternoon I left her in the living room for a minute with cartoon songs on YouTube and when I came back she had the Apple TV remote and Jimmy Kimmel was on Hulu! 😂We don't even watch Jimmy Kimmel so I don't know how she did that!

- If something or someone is in her way, she will just climb or crawl right over it to get where she wants to go!

- Sadie started to babble a *lot* this month! It started with a lot of "bababa", but we got "mama" on 2/19 and "dada" on 2/23!! She also says a lot of the "g" and "y" sounds and "lalala". I can't wait for "uh oh"! I think that one is so cute!

- Sadie loves to play with things that aren't toys, but she really does play with all of her toys, too. Sometimes we'll block off the living room and she's very content crawling around in there playing with her toys and exploring what's in the cabinet. She still really loves her sit-to-stand walker and loves to pull up on it.

- She also loves to watch Super Simple Songs on YouTube, just like Emery did. Thankfully, Emery still likes to watch them, too. 😊 Sadie really seems to like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star {it was always one of Emery's favorites, too} and will smile when it comes on, but she really seems to like all of them. Skidamarink is also a favorite! We've definitely been using the songs to help on those nights when she wakes up early from her afternoon nap and we're trying to make it to bedtime. She likes to be in the swing with her paci and watch them. 💕 

Emery likes to make sure she's nice and cozy...

- I already mentioned that Sadie doesn't laugh that often {she is super smiley, though}, but she will laugh like crazy at Emery! And that's wonderful, because Emery loves to make her laugh!

- Sadie loves being outside and gets excited when we walk out on the deck. She kicks her little legs like crazy--it's so cute! There's really not much for her to do outside yet, but she absolutely loves swinging!

- Emery is still just a precious big sister most of the time. She almost always wants to help give Sadie a bath or put her to bed. She loves to help feed her and wants to share treats with her {we've told her we can't do that quite yet 😊}. The other day we made cookies and when I gave Emery one she immediately started to break off a tiny piece because she wanted Sadie to have some. So sweet! It has opened a whole new world with Sadie crawling, though. She can get into more things and mess up stuff that Emery's playing with, so we've definitely had some impatient moments for sure! But I'm thankful that most of our moments are pretty sweet! Sadie adores Emery, that's for sure. She lights up in the morning when she first sees Emery. It's so precious!

She always wants to see what Emery is doing. 💕
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