Saturday, January 27, 2018

Sadie {8 Months}

Oh my heart! How can it be 8 months?! We are in such a FUN stage right now with Sadie! I wish I could freeze time. She is just so happy and interactive!

And she's always trying to go somewhere... 😂

32 Weeks
34 Weeks - Dark picture, but I just love this face!

Such a little cutie pie! 💕

- We won't go to the doctor again until her 9 month checkup. She's definitely done some growing this month. She has the cutest chubby little thighs!

- She's wearing mostly 6-12 month now. I'm about to get out some 12 month pajamas for her because the 9 month ones probably won't last much longer. She's still in a size 3 diaper.

- For her bottles, she's still eating about 8 ounces every 4 hours. Every now and then, she won't finish her bottle, but she usually does. She has to have something in her hands while she eats, otherwise she gets super squirmy!

- She took her time in the solid food department, but it is official that Sadie loves food! She gets so excited when she sees us with the bowl and spoon and is eating like a champ. She's tried lots of new foods this month--mango, green beans, zucchini, yogurt {LOVES it!}, blueberries, peanut butter, prunes, peaches, spinach, and puffs. She's liked pretty much everything, but she preferred the green beans and zucchini when they were mixed with other things. We mixed the green beans with butternut squash and the zucchini with banana and she liked them much better then!

- She's still doing great with her bedtime sleep. Naps are still hit or miss--she'll do a short one sometimes, but we can usually count on at least one long nap every day. Her schedule is pretty much the same as last month. Most days she takes two naps, but sometimes three depending on what time she wakes up in the morning and how long her naps are.

- Still no teeth!

- I've been trying to get her to say some words, but nothing yet. I mainly just say "mama, dada, and Emery" to her. She always smiles, but she hasn't really started babbling yet.

- I thought for sure she'd be crawling really well by now, but she's still mostly scooting and rolling everywhere. She's done a few little crawls, but not much at all yet. I'm pretty sure by next month, she'll be crawling everywhere!

- She is trying to pull up on things! She can't pull herself up on her feet, but she can get up on her knees. She's also learned how to sit herself back up from being on her tummy.

Standing up with a little help from Mommy... 

She get so proud of herself!

- Sadie is pretty content most of the time! She likes to sit on the floor with a basket of toys and just play. One of her favorite things to do is pull a basket over and take everything out! Then she usually puts a toy in each hand and claps them together.

- She loves the sit-to-stand walker she got for Christmas {especially the little door that says "peek-a-boo!"}

- She thinks it's hilarious when we do the monkey and elephant sounds! She also loves the song "Skidamarink"! Sadie is usually playing on the floor in Emery's room when I'm getting Emery ready for her nap. Emery almost always picks "Skidamarink" as one of her songs because she knows Sadie loves it. As soon as we start singing it, Sadie gets the cutest smile and claps! 💕

- Sadie can pretty much get wherever she wants to go and she loves to go over to the vent in the living room and the fireplace...of course, two places we don't want her to go! 😂 She also goes for anything of Emery's. She's super curious and wants to see everything!

- She absolutely LOVES screens {uh-oh, right?}. If the monitor screen is on, she will do anything to get it in her hands. She does the same for my phone! She likes to watch TV, too. If Emery is watching a show, she'll usually watch it, too, and she really likes watching Super Simple Songs on YouTube {just like Emery!}. If she gets fussy, I can put her in the swing with her paci, turn on Super Simple Songs and she's a happy baby. Emery still likes to watch those songs, too!

- She still doesn't laugh that often, but there are a few things that will always get her to laugh. Daddy and Emery are both really good at getting her to laugh! She loves it when I lift her in the air over and over again, too.

- There are a few things she doesn't love. One of those is getting dressed! It is so hard getting her dressed. She tries to flip all over the place on her changing pad. Sometimes I just put her on the floor to get her dressed because it's a lot easier. When I'm changing her diaper, I always have to get her a toy to hold, otherwise she'll roll over! She also doesn't love being by herself. Some mornings I'll put her in her exersaucer while I go to Emery's room to get her up. She'll play for a few minutes by herself, but she starts fussing if we're gone too long. As soon as we come back out, she's happy again!

- Emery is still the sweetest big sister. It is so cute to see them actually be able to play together a little bit now. She loves to help feed her, give her a bath, and she calls her all the names we call her {Sadie Girl, cutie pie, sweetie pie...} along with a few of her own {Sadie Googy?}. She always makes sure Sadie has plenty of toys around her and that her paci is close by. She doesn't love when Sadie tries to get into her things, but she's definitely becoming more tolerant.

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