Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Sadie {6 Months}

Our precious Sadie is half a year old! Time has seriously flown by and I know we're going to be celebrating her first birthday before I know it! Sadie has been such a sweet, happy baby and I've kind of been waiting for the day when it all just stops, but she is still just the sweetest, happiest little ray of sunshine! We love her so much!

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks/6 Months {and starting to get a little better at sitting up!}

- We went to the doctor last week for her 6 month checkup and are so thankful that she is a healthy, growing girl! She weighed 17 pounds, 15 ounces (75th percentile) and was 27.5 inches long (95th percentile). Her head circumference was 16.75 inches (50th percentile).

- She's wearing 6 month, 6-9 month, and some 6-12 month clothes. Her 6 month pajamas will not last much longer and some of her 9 month ones fit. She's still wearing a size two diaper.

- Her hair is really growing and it's still reddish/strawberry blonde!

- She is still a great eater! She's eating 7 ounces every 3-4 hours. She goes 4 hours between feedings almost all the time now.

- Speaking of eating...we gave her oatmeal for the first time the day before she was 6 months old and it was hilarious. She did not like it one bit. She made terrible faces and gagged! We gave it to her for four days with pretty much the same reaction every time. Her doctor said we could take a break from the oatmeal and give her some other foods, so we're going to try that this week.

- After her doctor's appointment last week, we reduced her Zantac to one time a day. After some time with just one dose a day, we'll try going without it. We'll see how it goes!

- She's a great sleeper most of the time! She was napping with one arm still in the swaddle, but I started leaving both arms out a few days before she was 6 months old and she's done great with it! Now that she's completely unswaddled all the time, we put her in a regular sleep sack for naps and bedtime.

- On a typical day, Sadie will wake up between 7:00-7:30, stay awake for two hours, take a nap that's usually 1.5-2 hours long, eat, stay awake for two hours, take another 1.5-2 hour nap, eat, stay awake for two hours, take a short catnap, play, eat, and then bedtime around 7:00-7:30. The timing of everything varies every day depending on when she wakes up, but the order stays the same. We've even had a couple of days where she'll sleep until 8:30 and then we'll skip that third nap. And then there are some days that she wakes up at 6:00 and we definitely have the third nap! It just all depends. But she's usually pretty happy no matter what, so I'm thankful for that!

- She loves her feet and grabs them to play with them a lot! She even likes to chew on her toes! I also noticed that she stares at her right hand a lot. She'll put it up in the air, look at it, and spin it around and around.

- We have reached the stage where everything goes in her mouth. She reaches for anything within grabbing distance {including our faces!}. When she reaches for something, it's like she's trying to give it a big hug. And then she puts whatever it is in her mouth!

- She's not crawling at all yet, but she can scoot and roll all over the place to get things she wants! She moves all over her crib at night!

- She loves to play in the exersaucer and the blocks on the green alligator are her favorite. I'll put them all in front of her and then she plays with them until they're all flipped back over on the side and we'll do it all over again!

- She is making lots of sounds {no mama or dada yet!} and one of them sounds just like Chewbacca! She does it all the time!

- There are days when I think she's for sure teething and then other days when I don't think so at all. She drools a lot and blows bubbles with her mouth, but no teeth yet!

- Her favorite sound is the crinkly sound. She has a crinkly book and there are some crinkly toys on her kick and play piano and exersaucer and she loves them! The Minnie Mouse crinkly book is definitely her favorite! {And I love this crinkly nose smile!}

- She is laughing a little more often, but still not even close to how much Emery laughed at this age. It's weird, because she's so happy, but she just doesn't laugh that often! Daddy and Emery are the best at making her laugh, and Emery *loves* that!

- We have this book called "Mommy and Me" and it has a little fuzzy elephant in it. She loves that elephant and grabs it the whole time I'm reading! And when we make the elephant sound, it gets her to smile every time. We took some pictures for our Christmas card the other day and I made that elephant sound so much that I made myself laugh at how ridiculous we all looked!

- She gives kisses!! It seems crazy, but she really does! I noticed it a few weeks ago that she seemed to be leaning toward my face and she's kept doing it! She gave Vanna lots of kisses the other day at Thanksgiving. It it the sweetest, cutest thing!

- Sadie went back to the nursery a few weeks ago and has been doing great!

- We had some fall fun with a trip to the pumpkin patch and Halloween!

- Sadie *adores* Emery {the feeling is mutual!} and is always watching her when she's around. I never really thought it would happen this early, but they sort of play together a little bit. Emery loves to give her toys and make her laugh. She'll sit by the exersaucer when Sadie is in it and play with her or dance in front of the swing when Sadie is swinging.

Emery also loves to go up to Sadie's room by herself {this makes her feel super grown up!} right after Sadie wakes up to give her her paci and talk to her while I make her bottle...and she also usually loads up Sadie's crib with all of her toys. It is just so cute! She's such a great helper, too. She never hesitates to go upstairs for us to get a bib, burp cloth, diaper, etc... Just this morning I was changing Sadie's diaper downstairs and I said that Sadie had just a little diaper rash. Without me even asking, Emery said, "Oh! I'll go get the diaper cream!" It was just precious. 💕 Seems so small, but I never want to forget that sweet moment. I love these girls so much!

My sweet little pumpkins!

Getting ready to go to the Christmas parade!

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