Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sadie {5 Months}

FIVE months! Sadie is almost halfway through her first year. It's so bittersweet. She is such a good baby, so sweet and happy almost all the time!

18 Weeks
19 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks

- We haven't been to the doctor since her 4 month checkup, so I'm not sure where she is for her height and weight. She's growing like a weed, though!

- She's wearing mostly 6 month clothes, but some 3-6 month things still fit. All of her pajamas are 6 month and some are even 9 month. She's wearing a size two diaper.

- She's a great eater! She's eating 7 ounces every 3-4 hours. She goes 4 hours between feedings a little more often now. She tries to hold her bottle herself, but usually just ends up taking it right out of her mouth.

- She's still taking Zantac. Her doctor said we might try going without it at 6 months so I'm sure we'll talk about that at her next appointment.

- Sadie is doing great with bedtime and naps, too! She was sleeping with one arm out of her swaddle last month, but she's sleeping in a sleep sack with both arms out now and is doing great! She almost always rolls over and sleeps on her side or on her tummy. She's still sleeping with one arm tucked in a swaddle for her naps, but we'll start leaving both arms out for her naps soon. I want her to get really accustomed to it at bedtime so it will hopefully be an easy transition for naps. She's napping really well now, so I don't want to mess that up!

- She did have a little sleep regression around 4.5 months where she would wake up several times a night and was napping terribly. Thankfully, it only lasted a few days and she's back to consistently sleeping well most of the time!

- On a normal day, Sadie usually wakes up around 7:00-7:30, she'll eat and stay awake for close to two hours, then take a nap that will last about 1.5-2 hours. Then she'll eat again, stay awake for about two hours, and take another 1.5-2 hour nap. Then she eats, stays awake 1.5-2 hours, and will take a short 30-45 minute nap. Then she's awake for another hour or so before taking her last bottle and going to bed around 7:00-7:30. She still has some short naps sometimes during the day, but we can usually count on at least one good, long nap every day.

- Sadie loves bath time and kicks the entire time she's in her little tub! 💦

- She has found her feet and *loves* playing with them and putting them in her mouth! It's so cute! She also kicks one of her legs up when she's in the car seat or the swing. She'll just be sitting there with one leg sticking straight up! 😂

- She still likes her swing and is pretty content there, but she doesn't nap in her swing anymore. If Emery is watching something on TV, Sadie will lay in her swing and watch, too.

- Any time we lay her on the floor to play, she almost immediately rolls over to her tummy. She loves toys that light up and play music and she still loves her crinkly Minnie Mouse book. She also still likes to play in her kick and play piano, but she doesn't stay on her back for very long.

- Sadie loves her paci, but really only has to have it if she's getting sleepy. It definitely soothes her if she's even a little bit fussy. We always give it to her when we lay her down, but usually she goes to sleep without it. As of a few weeks ago, she can get it in her mouth by herself sometimes. I remember being so excited when Emery learned how to do that!

- She tries to click her tongue and loves it when I do it to her. She always tries to do it back and it's the cutest thing ever! She sticks her tongue out and makes smacking noises.

- She's blowing bubbles with her mouth pretty much all the time and can be pretty slobbery. I don't know if that means a tooth might be on the way?

- She hugs my arm when I'm changing her diaper and stares at my ring the whole time. Anytime it catches her eye, she stares at it!

- We tried her in the nursery at church a few weeks ago and she was not a fan. It was in the late afternoon and she hadn't napped well that day, so it could have been that she was just tired. She wouldn't sleep or eat and I had to go get her. It was so sad. She really is so happy all the time as long as she's with people she knows really well. We're going to try her in the nursery again this week and hopefully it will go better!

- Sadie loves being in the Baby Bjorn which makes being out and about easier. We used it when I took the girls to the McWane Center and she even took a nap in it. We also used it at the pumpkin patch and she was as happy as she could be! She loves to be close to Mommy and Daddy.

- She still hardly ever giggles!!! For being such a happy baby, we just can't believe we haven't gotten any really good laughs yet. We've gotten a few little giggles, but they are few and far between! She really is so happy and absolutely loves it when someone talks to her. Really all you have to do is look at her and she gives the biggest smiles! Even right after she got her last shots, she stopped crying when I picked her up and then gave the nurse the biggest smile! I'm extra thankful for all of her sweet smiles since we're not getting many laughs yet! 💕

- Emery is still such a sweet big sister. She doesn't love it when Sadie gets a hold of her hair or kicks her while she's kicking her little legs, but she's pretty patient most of the time. She loves to talk to her and make her smile, and is quick to want to help give her a bath or give her her paci or a toy. If Sadie is upset in the car, Emery will try to sing to her or say "shhh shhh shhh" gently to get her to calm down. {And sometimes she'll tell me, "Mommy! Sadie won't calm down! She's crying over and over and over again!" in a frustrated voice. 😂} This morning before school, I heard Emery talking to Sadie in her swing so I peeked out to listen and heard her say, "It's okay, Sadie. I'll be back soon. You be a big girl for Mommy while I'm gone, okay?" It was such a sweet little moment. 😢💕

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