Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sadie {1 Month}

Our sweet Sadie girl is one month old! I'm tearing up as I type that {no surprise there...I'm such a cry baby!}. This first month with Sadie has just flown by! I did these updates for Emery and I love being able to go back and read about all the little details each month. There are so many sweet little memories that I probably would have forgotten, and it's fun to compare how the girls are similar and different! So, I'm going to try to stay on top of these updates for Sadie, too! 

One Week 

Two Weeks - This sleeper looks so funny when she's all stretched out! 😂

Three Weeks

Four Weeks - Starting to smile! 💕

Sadie was born on Friday, May 19th at 7:24 a.m. and it didn't take us long to find out we had been blessed with a sweet, sweet baby. {I'm planning to do a whole post about the day she was born!} 

Here's what our sweet Sadie is like at one month old:

- At her two week {almost three week} check up, she weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces and was 22 inches long. Her head circumference was 14.5 inches. She was in the 95th percentile for height (she'll be tall just like Emery) and she was in the 50th percentile for weight.

- She's wearing newborn diapers and all newborn clothes, but I'm sure we'll be switching to size 1 diapers and some 3 month clothes pretty soon.

- She doesn't usually mind diaper changes unless she's hungry!

- Speaking of eating, Sadie is a great eater and has been since the day she was born! When we brought her home from the hospital on May 22nd, she was eating about 1.5 ounces every three hours and now she's eating about 3.5 ounces every 3 hours! She almost always finishes every bottle!

- She's been a great sleeper so far, too. When Sadie was a little less than a week old, I actually asked our doctor if it was normal for her to sleep *so* much! I know it's normal for a newborn to sleep a lot, but Sadie was rarely awake! She sleeps great at night, too, for the most part. Starting at about one week old, she would wake up about once a night, usually between 2:00-3:00 and then again around 6:00-7:00. We thought it was too good to be true, but for the most part, she's been pretty consistent! 

- Right now, she's sleeping in the pack and play in our room and doing great with that. She's kind of a noisy sleeper, so we're not sure how long it will last. She is a grunter! 😂 She usually naps in the Boppy, on one of us, in her swing, and sometimes in her pack and play. I love this stage where you don't really have to worry about sleep/nap training!

- She is our little snuggle bug. She goes to sleep on us so easily and is so snuggly, we just love to hold her for her naps.

- She gets the hiccups all the time, just like Emery! The gripe water we used with Emery works for Sadie, too, and it's so cute watching her lick her lips!

- While Emery was hooked to her paci from the start, it took a little longer for Sadie to start taking it consistently. She's really starting to like it now, though. It definitely helps her go to sleep!

- Sadie is not a fan of riding in the car if she's awake...she pretty much has to have her paci or she's crying. If she's tired, though, she usually goes right to sleep.

- She *loves* being swaddled and it has calmed her down since the day she was born. Usually if she's fussy, we can put her in a tight swaddle and she'll calm right down and go to sleep. She sometimes gets her arms out, but not nearly as often as Emery did.

- When she's trying to get her bottle or paci, she shakes her head back and forth frantically. It's hilarious! Then when she finally gets it, she gets a really intense look on her face if she's eating and a really peaceful look on her face if it's her paci.

- Sadie is strong! She can already hold her head up for a few seconds at a time. When we have her up on our shoulder, she bobs her head around trying to look all over the place.

- She hated her first couple of baths, but is starting to like them more. She's happy for about the first half and then she screams for the rest. Then she usually cries until I get her in her pajamas.

- Sadie does really well when we're out and about! We've gone to the grocery store, the library, church, and out to eat and she always does really well! This was from her first Sunday at church. 💖

- We can't believe how much Sadie and Emery look alike! These pictures from Emery's one month post look just like Sadie!

- Emery could not be a sweeter big sister. We are so thankful! She always wants to know where Sadie is and if she is asleep or awake. She shares her loveys with her and likes to give her her paci when she cries. She lays her head on Sadie's head to give her "hugs" and kisses the top of her head. She also talks in a high-pitched sweet voice to her and will say "She's so cute!" Sadie already loves Emery and pays attention when she's in front of her. 

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