Sunday, May 14, 2017

38 Weeks

How Far Along: 38 weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is about 19.6 inches long and weighs about 6.8 pounds. Sounds a lot like birth weight!! 😳

Gender: It's a girl!! Her name is Sadie Hope!

Maternity Clothes: Yep, I've worn that coral shirt in the picture above the last 3 out of 4 Sundays. I'm ready for some new clothes!

Wedding Rings On/Off: On, still noticing some swelling in my hands. 

Stretch Marks: Definitely some new ones on my hips, and a few small ones around my belly button, which I was really hoping wouldn't happen. It's almost like I can actually feel my skin stretching. My belly is kind of itchy and it just feels like it's pulling. I'm also a little paranoid. It can't get that much worse in the time I have left, though.

Sleep: I'm still sleeping remarkably well! I wake up kind of early, but I'm sleeping through the night most nights! 

Cravings/Aversions: Still nothing super specific...just enjoying all the foods I can in the time I have left!

Symptoms: Nothing really new, just more of the same. More slow, more uncomfortable, more achy. 😉 A little heartburn still, a little swelling, and my ears have been plugging a little more often again. 

Movement: Lots and lots of kicking and stretching going on! She really seems to like to put her feet (I think?) up into my ribs on my right side. I can't wait to see those little feet!

Mood: I'm basically feeling every possible feeling that can be felt, which is pretty typical for me. I'm so excited to meet Sadie and see Emery and my family with her, but I'm nervous about adjusting to a new normal. I'm praying that we all make a smooth transition. 

What I Miss: Definitely the same as last week--Being comfortable, having energy, and moving around like a normal person!

Looking Forward To: We're going to try and fit in a lot of fun things this week. We have an early doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we're all going to go out for donuts first. Emery and I are going to go get mommy/daughter mani/pedis one day, and I've still got to do my big Trader Joe's trip! Most of all, we're looking forward to meeting Sadie!

Best Moment This Week: We've been getting out more baby things this week and one of them was the Pack & Play. Emery was so excited to see it all set up {she calls it the "packing play"} and immediately got some of her loveys to put in there. She got her pillow from her bed and a blanket and put Curious George to bed. She sang "O How I Love Jesus" to him {she calls it "O"}, asked "You want 'O' one more time, George?" just like we ask her, turned the lights off, and told him to have a good night's sleep. She also put Ellie right beside him. It was too sweet. We're praying she's like that with Sadie!

We also had a sweet Mother's Day today. I love this sweet picture! 💕

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

36 Weeks

We're having our living room painted this week, so those are paint samples behind me!

How Far Along: 36 weeks and 3 days

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is about 18.7 inches long and weighs about 5.8 pounds. I had my doctor's appointment yesterday and my belly measured right at 36 weeks, even though I feel *huge*!

Gender: It's a girl!! Her name is Sadie Hope!

Maternity Clothes: Yep, and pretty tired of them! At home when I'm in pj's, my t-shirts don't even go all the way over my belly anymore! 😂

Wedding Rings On/Off: On, but they are a little more snug. I haven't had any major swelling, but definitely some.

Stretch Marks: I think I might have some new ones on my hips. Not surprised...I feel like my hips have gotten so, so wide.

Sleep: I've been sleeping well again with the exception of one night this weekend. I woke up at 3:30, couldn't go back to sleep, so I came out to the living room and worked on my computer until it was time to get ready for church. Other than that, I've been sleeping very well. So thankful for that!

Cravings/Aversions: I'm still really loving the Minute Maid Berry Punch!! I also saw a commercial for Captain D's {what?!} and really wanted it, but it was too late at night. I can't really think of anything else that I've been craving. I'm just trying to eat as much as possible while I don't have to think about it or feel guilty about it! 😂

Symptoms: Very, very slow moving and uncomfortable. I'm starting to have more back achiness and the mild heartburn has returned. I have very little energy and just really don't want to move much or do much at all. Where is my nesting energy?! I'm also getting some swelling in my feet, ankles, and legs. It's not nearly as bad as the swelling I had with Emery, though! My ears have gotten so much better! They used to be plugged every single day for several hours. They still plug almost every day, but it's not as bad and it doesn't last very long. I was worried that symptom was never going to go away.

Movement: *All* of the time! And she loves to be up in my ribs which is such a weird feeling! She is getting so strong. It feels like she loves to stretch out! 💕

Mood: We still have a ton of things going on at home {painting, building a deck, redoing our back yard} so I have been getting a little overwhelmed and stressed about all of that. I've also been getting really sentimental lately about doing things with Emery and how different things are going to be in just a few weeks. I know it will all be good, and I'm very thankful, I just get very sentimental and emotional when the season of our life changes.

What I Miss: Being comfortable, having energy, and moving around like a normal person!

Looking Forward To: A bunch of random things... I've been looking over a bunch of blog posts that list out the best things at Trader Joe's and I think Emery and I are going to do a big trip in the next few days. They have a bunch of freezer meals that are supposed to be really good and I think they will come in really handy when Sadie gets here. I'm also going to get a mani/pedi before Sadie is born, so that will be really nice. We're having the main level of our house painted in the next couple of days and I can't wait for it to be done and get everything put back in to place! Emery also has her last Kindermusik class this week {which I'm pretty emotional about-we started when she was 18 months old!}. There will be a little end of the year party and I know she's going to love that! That girl is all about a party!

Best Moment This Week: I can't remember where we had gone, but Emery and I were driving home one afternoon and out of nowhere she said, "I love being with my mommy". Umm, my heart absolutely melted. We've also been getting out more of the baby gear like the car seat and it's been fun talking to her about when she was a baby.

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