Tuesday, February 21, 2017

26 Weeks

How Far Along: 26 weeks and 3 days

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is about 14 inches long and weighs about 1.7 pounds.

Gender: It's a girl!! Her name is Sadie and we're leaning towards "Hope" for her middle name.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely! I ordered a few springy things this past week since our weather is warming up. I'm ready for a little more variety! And flip flops!! Boots are becoming *very* challenging to get on!

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: No new ones yet. I'm loving the Mama Bee Belly Butter by Burt's Bees. I'll probably keep using it even after she's born. It makes my skin so soft!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well! I might wake up a few times a night when I move, but I usually go right back to sleep. I'm thankful for that!

Cravings/Aversions: I really can't think of anything specific that I've been craving (other than maybe a steak). I'm just *really* enjoying *all* the foods!! I'm living it up these last few months of guilt-free eating!

Symptoms: I'm still *very* uncomfortable. I'm having lots of lower back pain and ligament pain. I'm feeling like a lumbering elephant as I explained it to Daniel. I'm on the floor playing with Emery a lot, so getting up and down off the floor is anything but graceful.  Still dealing with the super annoying plugged ears and I've started to get mild heartburn a few times a day. I know it could all be a lot worse, though, so I'm definitely not complaining!

Movement: She moves all the time! I love it!

Mood: I'm feeling a little more steady with my emotions lately, so that's really nice. I hate feeling overly emotional!

What I Miss: I'm really ready for a big steak from Ruth's Chris! We already have plans to go for our anniversary in June!

Looking Forward To: Painting the nursery! We're planning to get that done this week!

Best Moment This Week: My mom, Emery, and I went to pick out a paint color this week and did a little shopping, too. We picked a really, really light lavender and put a little on the wall and I think we're going to love it! We also found a few things for the nursery at Home Goods so that was fun! One of them was a lavender blanket which Emery snuggled with the rest of the day! She loves snuggling with anything cozy! 

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