Tuesday, December 27, 2016

18 Weeks

How Far Along: 18 weeks and 3 days

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, the baby is about 5.6 inches long and weighs about 6.7 ounces. It's crazy that she's gained over 5 ounces in just four weeks! 

Gender: It's a girl!! Her name is Sadie! Still working on a middle name...

Maternity Clothes: Leggings are still my favorite, but after a ridiculously long search, I found a decent pair of maternity jeans. They are the Luxe brand from Destination Maternity and I love them!

Wedding Rings On/Off: On

Stretch Marks: None yet...I started using the belly butter a couple of weeks ago. I'm using the Mama Bee belly butter by Burt's Bees and I really like it. It's not nearly as greasy as the Palmer's brand I used last time.

Sleep: I'm sleeping great! I'm still taking the minimum dose of the nausea medicine which makes me sleepy, so that helps. I tried skipping the medicine a couple of weeks ago and was nauseated for a couple of days, so I started taking it again. I'm going to try to stop again soon, but I wanted to get through the holidays. Nobody wants to deal with nausea during Christmas! 

Cravings/Aversions: I'm definitely enjoying food again which is wonderful! I don't always know what I want, though. I'll get hungry, but just don't really know what sounds good to me. I can't eat nearly as many sweets as I can when I'm not pregnant which is disappointing. Of course, when I can eat with abandon, sweets don't sound as good as they usually do. 

Symptoms: I'm still feeling pretty good. I had some pretty bad ligament pain consistently for a couple of days, but that's gotten better. I still have it when I get up too quickly, but it's nothing like it was. The only other things going on right now is some congestion (my nose almost always feels stuffy) and my ears plug. I noticed that a few weeks ago and was afraid I was getting sick. It kept happening randomly every day so I looked it up. It's a pregnancy symptom! Who knew?! 

Movement: I've definitely felt her move. It's nothing super strong yet, but it's pretty undeniable. Usually it happens once I lay down in bed for the night. 

Mood: I'm feeling happy! 

What I Miss: I'm missing some of my cute pre-pregnancy clothes. I really haven't bought much new stuff, so I'm getting a little bored with my wardrobe. Other than that, nothing! :)

Looking Forward To: Our next appointment in a couple of weeks! We will have another ultrasound! Can't wait to see this little girl again! 

Best Moment This Week: Hearing Emery talk about "Baby Sadie" is so sweet. We were taking down our Christmas decorations and telling her that Sadie would be here next Christmas and she's been talking about that. I've also been telling her that Sadie loves her already and she's been repeating that. We were talking the other day about Sadie and Emery said, "She loves me." 

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