Thursday, May 30, 2013

Another {School} Year Over...

Last Thursday, I said goodbye to the sweetest group of third graders. The last day of school is a bittersweet one for teachers. These sweet kids who I've spent so much time with have all made their way into my heart and I really will miss them. But...I was exhausted. The last couple of weeks of school are always extra...umm...challenging. ;) I'm very grateful for some time to rejuvenate and get some things done that so easily get neglected during the school year! The summer won't be school free, though. Our school is changing  from a K-3 school to a K-5 school, so almost every teacher has to move classrooms. I know I'll be spending some major time at school this summer getting everything set up again. This is what's waiting on me.

Yeah...that's my new closet. Oh mercy... It's hard not to get overwhelmed just thinking about it. When I first started moving things in, I tried to be all organized and I totally thought, "I'm going to have it all nice and pretty before I leave for the summer." Then the shelves started filling up, time started running out, and I just stuffed everything in. Oh well, at least I'll get to go through all of my stuff, right? Right?

I'm a little sad to say goodbye to my old classroom which was my home for four years. It was HUGE! Seriously, like the best classroom in the whole school with tons of storage.

Anyway, I'll make the best of it! :)

So, as I said, summer is the time for me to get some stuff done that I've had on my mental to do list for a while. I've been bouncing the idea of a blog around in my head for a while now, and so I decided now was the time. My husband and I will be celebrating our three year anniversary in just a couple of weeks, and I realized that I have barely any pictures to document our first three years. :( This is partly because I really just hate dealing with a camera...I'd much rather just enjoy what's going on instead of trying to get the perfect picture. But I know that someday I'm going to want pictures to go along with my memories. I wish I was the type of person that could do the whole scrapbook thing, but I know there's no way I'd be able to keep up and then...well, I'm pretty sure I would just quit. So I'm thinking this blog might be just the right thing. :)

So I hope you'll hang out with me here on "Richly Blessed"! :)